Shuo Zhou
Shuo Zhou

Shuo Zhou

Hello world 👋, I am a 2nd year Ph.D. student in Theoretical Computer Science at the Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies, Peking University, where I am extremely fortunate to be advised by Prof. Tongyang Li. Before that, I received my B.S. in Physics with Liberal Education from Yuanpei College, Peking University.
During my journey, I am also pleased to have worked with Prof. Anurag Anshu at Harvard, Prof. Lin Lin at UC Berkeley and Dr. Linfeng Zhang as CSO of DP Technology. Currently, I’m working on developing provably efficient quantum algorithms.


(* equal contribution, alphabetical ordering authorship.)
Xijun Yuan*, Shuo Zhou*, Yizhou Liu, Hao Tang, Tongyang Li
Duo Zhang*, Xinzijian Liu*, …, Shuo Zhou, …, Weinan E, Linfeng Zhang, Han Wang
(Quantum) Weiyuan Gong*, Shuo Zhou*, Tongyang Li


Visiting Graduate Student
Quantitative Research Intern
AI for Science Research Intern


  • My Chinese name is 周烁, which means twinkling.
  • I served as President of Hubei Association, Peking University. My personal WeChat post is: 周群的变换, which contains lots of my life photos.
  • In Honor of Kings mobile game, I once ranked 29th Ma Chao (马超) in Beijing with nearly 70% win rate, altogether with Top 100 Mirror, Lan, Charlotte.
  • In my spare time, I love fingerstyle guitar & Brit-pop. I have a collection of vinyl records and PS5 discs in my dormitory. My favourite game series is Final Fantasy, and my favourite guitarist is Sungha Jung (郑成河).